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Cardio Guide: What is Cardio? How is Cardio done?

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

You will find answers to all the questions you have about Cardio. You will learn all the truths and mistakes about Cardio. The Cardio Guide I prepared was published!

I’ve already written a few articles about cardio types. But I have not published an article covering the full range of cardiovascular exercises. That’s why I want to prepare a guide for you.

In this article; “What is cardio?” , “Why is cardio done?“, “How to do cardio?” You will find answers to many questions like.
If you’re ready, we’re starting!

What is cardio?

Cardio is a very often used and often misused concept. A concept that is expressed as the abbreviated form of the cardiovascular word. We can describe cardiovascular as a group of exercises that intensively operate and strengthen the heart, vessels and lungs.

I would give examples of exercises related to cardio, I think will make you better revive your mind. The most well-known cardio examples are running, cycling, dancing, rowing.

Cardiovascular is an exercise type that uses an aerobic “oxygenated” energy system. But a lot of people here actually go beyond the anaerobic “oxygen-free” side and actually go beyond the definition of cardio. It’s normal to have uncertainty here. Because we do not know which individual will be able to move to the anaerobic side at which exercise level.

Do people really use the cardiogram correctly? The answer to this question is completely no! Because the definition and function of cardio is often unclear for athletes.

Why should we do cardio?

I want to start with a clear introduction to the topic. Cardiovascular is not a weakening tool. Unfortunately, many people think that doing cardio will only be used to lose weight. But this judgment is completely wrong. In fact, many types of cardion have no superiority over weight loss compared to other exercises. Even high-density exercises and anaerobic energy production (anaerobic) used in weight training can provide longer burning time with calorie burning effect (EPOC) after exercise. As a result, Cardio helps you to lose weight. But that is not the only benefit.

For information about EPOC you can read the article “afterburn effect“.

I actually gave you a hint with the definition. Cardio is a type of exercise that has a positive and enhancing effect on the heart, vein and lung.

Benefits of Cardio

  • The amount of blood increases. This means more oxygenation, more buffer ion and more resistance to exercise.
  • Your cardiovascular disease risk is reduced. Because it prevents the blocking of cardio veins.
    Cardio training reduces mean blood pressure (blood pressure) and prevents the occurrence of high blood pressure diseases.
  • Increases bone density. This is especially important in postmenopausal women.
    Reduces the risk of depression.
  • Improves sleep quality. I’ve already written an article about sleep quality.
  • Reduces recovery time after exercise.

How to do cardio?

About the cardio at the beginning of the article. Aerobic energy system is important. The reason for this is that the aerobic energy production system plays an active role in the heart, blood vessel and lungs to carry oxygen to the tissues. In anaerobic energy production systems, oxygen-free energy production is in the foreground. Cardiovascular should be preferred for the development of cardiovascular condition at the targeted level.

If you want to do cardio for the same reason, you should stay in a certain density range. Staying in aerobic boundaries is a priority for your cardio. It is important to choose the type of exercise you will do after gripping the limited tempo. Here you have to consider time, space and personal preferences. My suggestion is to recommend hiking and running for middle and older ages, and I recommend cycling and paddling for young people with high cardiovascular conditions.


HIIT ie high intensity interval exercise. In this exercise type, combining high and low intensity exercises is essential to try to achieve high density.

LISS ie low intensity steady state. LISS intensity is low but long term exercise. A slow-paced walk pattern can be given to keep in mind.

Here, I would like to give you some information about LISS because a lot of work has been done recently about LISS.

LISS and muscle loss studies were conducted. for individuals with low carbohydrate intake less muscle loss than other cardio types. This is due to the fact that these individuals experience muscle energy because of their empty carbohydrate stores.

I want to tell you about LISS-induced disability risk. Because, during high intensity exercise, your muscles, joints and bone structures are more than normal. For this reason, LISS will be more suitable for post-injury athletes or those with chronic disability problems.

As a result LISS,

  • Persons with serious cardiovascular disease who should not be involved in sudden effort;
  • Persons with chronic disability who are in the post-injury period;
  • Those who have low carbohydrate intake and who give importance to muscle mass;
  • People who want to recover faster after a heavy exercise;
    available. My suggestion would be to apply HIIT and LISS cardio protocols alternately.

Frequently asked questions about Cardio

There are many questions to ask about cardiovascular. I’ve compiled some of these questions. Let’s examine the questions and answers together.

Can I lose weight with cardio?

I wrote many different articles about weight loss. You know the subject depends on many factors. Therefore, it is difficult to give a clear idea of weight loss. The distinction I’ll make here is about spending calories.

Cardiovascular doing requires extra energy. This energy requirement makes it easy to lose weight with less calories than necessary.

As a result, you cannot lose weight by simply exercising. However, cardiovascular helps individuals to lose weight while dieting and living correctly.

I have a nice article on weight loss. If you want to lose weight you can read. This may be useful to you.

Does cardiovascular make muscle loss?

Muscle loss; occurs in extreme situations such as intense stress, prolonged hunger and intense exercise. The same applies to cardio. Exercise with long cardio sessions and intensive hunger causes muscle loss. Especially at very low tempo, cardiovascular exercises last longer than usual.

Standard cardio disinfection does not cause muscle loss. You can also use low-intensity short-term cardiovascular sessions to pass the recovery phase efficiently after weight training.

How often cardiovascular training should be done?

The essence of adjusting the frequency of exercise:

  • Not running the same muscle group continuously,
  • Not to stress the body with high intensity and continuous exercise,

The main principle.

It is also important to adjust the exercise frequency correctly to maintain the correct recovery after exercise.

Here you must determine the correct exercise frequency. You should determine the recovery process and your exercise experience in mind. However, 5 to 7 sessions of training per week will be enough for those who exercise lightly. For those with intense exercise, 2 to 4 sessions of training will be sufficient.

If you want to get more information about the frequency of exercise, you should read “How many days a week do you have to do?”

When should cardio exercises be performed?

There is no definite distinction about cardio time. Although many myths mention the morning cardiogram, the moments you feel comfortable and happy are the best times for cardio.

Here are a few exceptions. Competitors should pay attention to warming up more than normal in morning cardiologists. In the morning, more brittle of the joints and muscle groups are more at risk of disability.
Individuals targeting high performance should be fed especially before the morning cardio. Even though cardio on an empty stomach is something that many individuals do, especially performance athletes should be careful about this before long races. If you are going to have cardio outdoors during the night, you should use phosphorous equipment that will allow you to sport safely in the dark.

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