Autoimmune thyroid diseases (hashimato and graves) are closely related to gluten consumption. The diet you need to do is gluten-free diet. I made it for you. Here’s the details.
A serious portion of thyroid diseases (including graves and hashimato’s disease) are related to the autoimmune immune system.
So your defense cells either attack the thyroid tissue or cause it to work more. Both situations are annoying and cause patients to be treated for a long time or even for life.
So what do we do as doctors?
The overall treatment process is very clear. Either the drugs with serious side effects or a surgical intervention suppress thyroid disease. Of course, this situation does not seem very logical.
My adventure began when I read about the frequent occurrence of thyroid diseases in celiac (progressive immune response to gluten) patients. Many physicians who noticed this connection – like me – asked a similar question.
What is the connection between autoimmune thyroid disease and gluten-free nutrition?
The answer is very simple, gluten and immune system!
In this article, you will see the connection between autoimmune thyroid diseases and gluten-containing nutrition, and you will learn the type of nutrition you can use during the treatment process.
Autoimmune thyroid and gluten consumption
First I want to give you some detail about gluten. It contains a protein called gliadin in gluten. Gliadin stimulates the immune system in many people when it enters the digestive system.
So your body thinks that this enemy must attack and neutralize it. This reaction forms a structure that recognizes gluten. I very much resemble this structure to the key and lock model.
The gluten lock and the immune system elements that recognize gluten are key.
Another dimension is related to the side effects of the immune system. Because his immune system isn’t so perfect. Sometimes there may be confusion and cling to a completely different texture.
At this point I want to tell you about the fate of fate.
Unfortunately, the cell membrane structure of gluten and thyroid cells is similar. So the immune cells programmed for gluten mix gluten with thyroid cells.
This means that the immune cells against gluten attack and break down thyroid cells.
Therefore, autoimmune thyroid diseases (hashimato and graves) are common in people with gluten sensitivity.
Consumption of gluten also disrupts the strainer-like structure between the cells responsible for nutrient absorption in your intestines.
As a result, gluten, which normally does not pass into the blood, leaks from the deteriorating filter structure. Gluten passing into the blood is more and causes a severe immune response.
In addition, gluten consumption prevents nutrient absorption if there is sensitivity. Mineral deficiency – especially iodine and magnesium – increases the risk of autoimmune thyroid disease.
Frequency of gluten sensitivity
I’m sure you know about celiac disease. It is a disease that progresses with the hypersensitivity to gluten, damaging your body’s own intestinal wall.
Many people think that celiac disease does not have external gluten sensitivity. So if you have celiac disease, you have gluten allergy, otherwise gluten is your friend.
But no, I’m sorry.
Gluten sensitivity is very common in the community. We also do not know how often it is because the symptoms are very simple and mild. But I’m guessing that almost a quarter of the community is somehow experiencing gluten sensitivity.
What is this sensitivity?
Gluten sensitivity is a serious condition that progresses with simple complaints but activates the immune system like celiac. Therefore, gluten sensitivity is enough to cause autoimmune thyroid disease.
What do I recommend to autoimmune thyroid patients?
So far, you have seen that gluten consumption can cause autoimmune thyroid diseases (especially hashimato and graves) and worsen the situation.
I want to move on to suggestions now.
Don’t reduce gluten, stop! Even gluten-free foods consumed in low amounts stimulate the immune system. So you need to eat completely gluten-free.
I also regret to say that in order to see the effects of gluten-free nutrition, it is necessary to apply for at least three months. Because research shows that immune system stimuli persist for a long time after gluten consumption.
Limit casein consumption. Casein is a protein found in milk. This type of protein may also produce an immune system response in some individuals, such as gluten.
Again, this response is thought to cause autoimmune thyroid diseases. Therefore, it is very important to reduce casein, ie dairy products, together with gluten.
This restriction should be applied especially in thyroid diseases that do not respond to gluten-free diet.
Regulate intestinal permeability. In the rest of the article, I talked about foreign proteins that are much more involved in blood due to leaky gut syndrome. These proteins are the main factors that disrupt the immune response.
Therefore, regulating intestinal permeability is very important. At this point, it is very important to reduce the consumption of gluten, casein and lectin, and to take probiotic and L-glutamine supplements.
You can also share with me everything you want to know about autoimmune thyroid diseases.