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Waist Thickness. Not Belly, Disease!

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Overview of oil tanks

Now we can measure many values ​​within your body in a short time. The measurements give us almost thousands of parameters. These parameters range from blood fats to hormones and are expensive and highly accurate.

So why do we care about the waist thickness we can measure in under a minute with a tape measure of just two pounds?

The answer is closely related to the body’s fat storage habit. For this reason, I start writing with oil storage characteristics.

Your body stores excess calories as fat for future use. You know that. So where are these warehouses?

Although there are many different warehouses, we have two different warehouses to distinguish. It stores visceral and subcutaneous fat stores. The terms may have come from strangers. Let me explain now.

Subcutaneous fat

In the language of medicine, it is found as sub cutane. As a result, subcutaneous fat can be translated as subcutaneous fat. This oil, which is deposited under the skin, spreads throughout your body and performs many important tasks such as heat insulation. Women often complain of cellulite as a result of subcutaneous fat.

There is not much to say about the relationship between subcutaneous fat and healthy life because we know that subcutaneous fat is not associated with serious health problems.

Visceral Fat

It is also called as abdominal fat and is the main reason for the so-called “belly oluşum formation. Unlike subcutaneous fats, visceral fat is also accumulated in many organs of the abdomen and can develop into many chronic and fatal diseases such as insulin resistance, hypertension and metabolic problems.

The cause-and-effect relationship is very difficult, because even if you express it as a navel, the fat inside can activate the immune cells and create insulin resistance, alter your cholesterol value, disrupt the vascular structure, or increase your blood pressure and cause a stroke.

There is serious research in this area, and proven visceral fat that increases waist thickness increases insulin resistance, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and hypertension risk.

How is waist thickness measured?

The answer to the question of how to measure waist thickness is constantly changing. Because there are many groups and associations working on this subject. Although all associations specify different methods in their manuals, I will share with you the method that is used in practice and you will get the most accurate results.

Waist-hip thickness ratio is a method we use frequently in the clinic. Although this method is superior to mere waist thickness in diagnosing some disease risks, there is no significant difference. In addition, good anatomy knowledge and practice are needed for accurate measurement.

For this reason, I will mention only the waist thickness measurement, considering the simplicity of the method and that you can do it more comfortably – of course more accurately – at home.

First of all, I want to mention where to measure waist thickness.

First, stand up and take the person who will take the measurement. Help the person to measure where your hip bone ends at the top. The name of this structure that you can feel when you touch with your hand is iliac crest.

The second stage is to find the lowest point where your ribs end. You can find this point by lowering your armpit down with your hand.

You can measure your waist thickness through these two points. It is important not to hold your breath while measuring. It is also important that you do not keep the tape measure too tense. If your skin is stretched above the tape measure, your measurement will be incorrect. (Although there are tension measuring tape measure for this measurement, it is not preferred outside the clinic.)

Above you can see the anatomical positions of the measuring points for waist thickness.

What about the measurement? I seem to hear you say. Now forget the results you see on the Internet. Because many uzman so-called experts m do not know that waist thickness varies depending on ethnicity and compares you with results created for other nations.

The upper limit of waist measurements suitable for Turkish people is 94 cm in men and 80 cm in women. If you’re above these measures, I’m sorry, you’re at greater risk of developing cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, and more than any other person.

Besides the bad news, I have good news. If you take your waistline back to normal, your risk will decrease over time!

How can I reduce my waist thickness?

I think you’re not just measuring waist thickness here. Because people you love may be at risk.

So what should be done to individuals who are above the normal limit?

Here are two different but helpful ways to reduce body fat. These ways are diet and exercise. These pathways, where you have to seriously labor and possibly change your lifestyle, can challenge you. I have two guides called orum I want to lose weight and I want to do sports ğ where you can find answers to your questions.

You can learn how to reduce your waist by reviewing these guidelines.

Finally, it is very important for your loved ones that you bring this article to your friends and give people awareness!

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