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Growth Hormone (GH) Guide in All Aspects

Monday, September 6, 2021

Athletes have prepared an article that will guide you about growth hormone for those who want to stay young, have a healthier and more muscular body.

What is growth hormone?

Peptide derivative is a growth hormone that functions like cell proliferation, growth and regeneration. It is also known as growth hormone, HGH, somatotropin.

How is growth hormone produced?

Growth hormone, secreted by the body at the time of stress; is a hormone that normally changes its level during the day. It is produced as a single chain of 191 amino acids in somatotropic (acidophilic) cells of the anterior pituitary.

Growth hormone (GH) synthesis and secretion are controlled by Growth Hormone Relasing Hormone (GHRH) secreted from the hypothalamus. Growth hormone (GH) secretion varies with many factors besides GHRH.

Why is growth hormone (GH) important?

Growth hormone, which has significant effects, is responsible for the following events.

Provides bone development and mineralization in children.
Increases protein synthesis.
Accelerates fat burning. (There are many mechanisms of fat burning. One of them converts low-activity T4 from thyroid hormones to more effective T3.)
Stimulates the immune system.
It helps the muscles to grow.
The effects we examine are very important for a younger and fit body. Now that we understand how important growth hormone is for us, let’s examine the factors that affect growth hormone production.

Factors affecting growth hormone secretion

Growth hormone secretion varies depending on many factors. These factors include:

Blood sugar,
Amino acids in blood,
Other hormones and thyroid hormones.


Sleep is one of the simplest ways to increase growth hormone. The release of growth hormone increases in the 3rd and 4th (non-rem) stages of sleep. This phase of sleep is called deep sleep. It is therefore important when you are sleeping.

If you are interested in detailed information and advice about sleep quality, its importance, you should read everything about sleep.

The hours during which the growth hormone is released during sleep are 12: 00-13.00 and 22: 00-2.00. And I want you to come back here while I’m reading blood sugar, number two. As a result, sleeping early in the night and making noon sleep is important for maintaining beauty and health.

Blood sugar

If we say that the biggest enemy of growth hormone is sugar, we won’t be wrong. Simple sugars increase blood sugar quickly. This increase reduces growth hormone production by up to 20 times.

By keeping your blood sugar levels low, you can prevent unnecessary drops in your growth hormone. Low blood sugar at noon stimulates the release of growth hormone.

In order to keep blood sugar levels low, I recommend that you examine intermittent fasting, which is a common diet that I use frequently.

Amino acids in blood

As the amino acid level in the blood increases, the release of growth hormone increases.

There is some evidence that arginine increases growth hormone levels. My detailed review on this topic is arginine’s guide: what is it? You can find my article.

Testosteon Estrogen and TSH

Testosterone and estrogen and thyroid hormones are hormones that increase growth hormone secretion (GH). The biggest share in this regard is thyroid hormones. In many countries, iodine deficiency is the cause of endemic goiter (a disease with thyroid hormone deficiency). Turkey is located between these countries.

Both nutritional and natural conditions push you to iodine deficiency. If there is a lack of iodine in the body, our body cannot produce thyroid hormone after a while. This is very important for athletes who have long-term salt restrictions and those who prefer iodine-free rock salt.

Inadvertently going to salt restriction actually turns the effect we get from salt restriction into negative. If you don’t know how much salt you should consume, you should read my salt restriction guide.

Thyroid hormones increase metabolic rate. Reduced metabolic rate as a result of salt restriction to prevent fluid retention can cause fat. At the same time, decreasing thyroid hormones reduce growth hormones, repairing muscles and restoring the body.

Families using rock salt and salt limiters should check their thyroid hormone (T3 and T4) levels at regular intervals.


Cortisol secreted during stress reduces the level of growth hormone. For this reason, intense exercise and excessive calorie restriction can be objectionable in the long run for individuals who want to keep their growth hormone levels high.

To increase growth hormones

Try to be asleep at 22.00 and 13.00 hours when growth hormone peaks.
Avoid simple sugars (except after exercise) that raise your blood sugar quickly.
Pay attention to your protein intake and try to feed continuously.
Monitor your testosterone, estrogen and thyroid hormone levels. Do not over-limit your salt intake for a long time.
Get training in stress management, nutrition and overtraninig.
Update: To learn about growth hormone-enhancing nutrients, you can read my article on growth hormone-enhancing 9 nutrients.

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