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Is protein powder harmful?

Monday, September 6, 2021

Sports and exercise for a healthy life, when misused or combined with improper nutrition, cause more harm than good.

Sports activities performed without expert control cause muscle tissue damage, fractures and injuries due to unconscious movements. When combined with unconscious nutrition, withdrawal can result in a weakened body and many other health problems.

For this reason, exercises and sports activities should be performed under the supervision of a specialist, after the necessary health checks are performed. Nowadays, food supplements and vitamins, which are increasing in use among both indoor and outdoor athletes, cause serious health problems when used unconsciously.

Protein powder, which is one of the food supplements used unconsciously by people who do heavy sports and bodybuilding, can cause many health problems.

These products, which are recommended to be used only by professional level athletes, are frequently consumed by those interested in sports and especially bodybuilding at almost all levels, as they are easily accessible. Before giving more information about the use of protein powder, it is necessary to understand what is protein powder.

What is protein powder?

Protein, one of the basic needs of the body, is a basic nutrient that supports cell development, prevents the formation of anemia, strengthens body resistance and muscle tissue. Protein, which is taken through foods such as meat, eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese, beans, chickpeas, almonds, pumpkin seeds, is an organic compound with high molecular weight and amino acids.

Protein powders are derived from whey isolation, casein or, in other words, milk protein, soy protein and egg protein. Chemical and light treatments are applied to purify the protein. These processes determine the quality of protein powder and how much it can be used by the body.

When the protein is taken into the body, it is digested by digesting into amino acids in the stomach and small intestines. Protein absorbed through the small intestine is transported to the liver through the blood. The protein, which also meets the body’s energy demand, is used from the liver according to the need of metabolism.

Some cells also need protein for tissue, organ formation and development by creating a peptide bond. Protein powders, which should be consumed only by professional athletes under the supervision of a specialist, are a type of dietary supplement that is unconsciously consumed by people interested in bodybuilding to rapidly increase muscle mass.

Protein powder, which is recommended to be consumed by some sports trainers, is a product that is not basically healthy, disrupts the natural balance of the body and can cause some health problems when consumed in excessive amounts.

Although protein is one of the basic nutrients needed by the body, when it is prepared with chemical ingredients, when it is consumed unconsciously and in excess, it causes bone loss, degradation in the intestine and other organs.

The amount of protein that professional athletes should get is approximately twice the amount that normal individuals should. In some cases, they cannot only get the amount of protein that the body needs through food.

In this case, the protein need determined by the sports doctor and nutritionist is met with protein powder. The question of what is protein powder, which is one of the frequently encountered questions of physicians, can be answered in this way. It is controversial how healthy protein powders sold under many brands on the market are.

Some products also contain performance-enhancing and body-damaging ingredients known as doping among the public. The use of protein powder without expert advice leads to the intake of chemically treated protein well above the body’s needs, or the removal of structures that damage the body in the long term.

Therefore, it can bring more harm than expected positive effect on human health. Apart from professional athletes, it is much more correct for people who are engaged in sports, heavy exercise or bodybuilding to get the protein they need through natural foods.

Who should use protein powder?

Regardless of sports, each individual should be balanced and regularly fed for their own health. Thanks to a balanced diet, all the nutrients that the body needs can be taken through foods. The use of vitamins and other nutritional supplements should only be made with the advice of a qualified physician or dietitian.

Increasing body requirement due to sports and exercise differs in every metabolism. However, regular and adequate nutrition of those who are interested in sports, exercise and bodybuilding, apart from professional athletes, meets all nutritional needs of metabolism.

Therefore, it is not recommended to take protein powder or other nutritional supplements for those who do not sports professionally, except in extraordinary situations. The use of protein powder, which is recommended only by professional athletes with a specialist, after determining the amount of protein the body needs, is like a diet program.

 Only in this way can the functions, which are among the benefits of protein powder, such as strengthening the muscle structure and bones, and supporting muscle repair after the exercise, be used.

Is protein powder harmful?

Protein powder is a kind of nutritional supplement that should be used only by professional athletes, after the daily requirement is determined, accompanied by a specialist. Otherwise, the use of protein powder is quite harmful.

Protein powder, which has benefits such as repair of muscle tissue, strengthening of muscles and bones after heavy training, is not necessary for every individual interested in sports. Without the opinion of a specialist physician or dietician, the decision of using protein powder after friend advice or small research can cause many health problems.

Protein powder, which is taken due to excessive and unconscious use, may cause the body to be exposed to more than necessary protein and may cause intestinal problems, which is one of the organs of the digestive system.

Due to excessive use, protein that is not absorbed enough by the intestine can cause health problems such as diarrhea. This is how the frequently asked protein powder is harmful. In the light of the information obtained as a result of the researches, protein dust damages can be listed as follows:

Heart diseases

Protein powder can cause an increase in the amount of protein in the body, leading to fatigue of the heart, enlargement of the heart. Depending on the amount of fat contained in the product, it may play a role in the emergence of other cardiovascular diseases.


Protein raises the acidic rate of blood. Calcium in the bone is used to balance this acid. Excess protein, which causes the calcium in the bone structure to drain, weakens the bones and makes them brittle and causes the formation of osteoporosis known as osteoporosis.

Kidney Stone Formation

Protein powder, which weakens bones with the depletion of calcium in the bones, causes calcium to be concentrated in the kidneys. With this accumulation, fluid loss after sports causes kidney stone formation. In addition, the kidneys work to make the protein usable in the body. Disorders such as kidney failure may also occur due to excessive use.

Liver Diseases

The liver needs to work harder to unconsciously remove more protein than the body needs. This can lead to many health problems, especially in people with liver disease.

In combination with sports for a healthy life, the use of protein powder to strengthen muscle tissue is quite harmful without the advice of a specialist or dietitian.

Therefore, it is recommended that people who do sports should be fed protein-rich natural foods. Remember to have regular health checks for a healthy life.

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