Increasing sedentary life and malnutrition habits with the development of technology lead to obesity, one of the most important health problems of today. Obesity, which forms the basis of metabolic diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol, gastrointestinal diseases, cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases, thyroid disorders and insulin resistance, can cause death when untreated.
The most effective method of treating obesity is a personal diet program and appropriate physical activity selection. It is much easier and permanent to lose weight with a healthy diet list aimed at changing bad eating habits and prepared to change a person’s lifestyle.
What should be the healthy diet list?
It is of great importance that the nutrients included in the nutrition program aimed at losing weight are adequate and balanced. A healthy diet list should contain all of the nutrient groups that make up body building blocks such as carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals, and provide the calories the body needs.
Most importantly, the prepared diet list should be flexible. The fact that the list can be diversified without being tied to a single food prevents the boredom of the diet and ensures its sustainability. The diet list prepared by evaluating the factors such as gender, age, nutritional habits, financial status and working conditions of the person who decides to lose weight makes it easier to reach the targeted weight.
It is also important in terms of the applicability of the diet that the meals on the list are easy to prepare and practical, the person’s taste and accessibility are accessible. In healthy weight loss programs where balance and diversity are important, the food groups used for the calories needed can be distributed to certain days of the week.
How should a healthy slimming diet list be applied?
When the calories needed by the body are not met or in other words, when a low-calorie diet is applied, the body gets a sense of famine by adapting to this diet. The body starts to spend less energy by lowering the metabolic rate. This causes excess weight to be recovered in a very short time when the diet is released.
Permanent weight loss is achieved with a healthy weight loss list. Nutrition programs prepared with a focus on changes in lifestyle provide learning of a balanced and healthy diet and support the implementation of a lifelong physical activity program. The portion amounts included in the weight loss list are important.
While following your diet, meals are prepared frequently and little by little to control your blood sugar and appetite. By eating at the same time, you can regulate your body’s metabolic time and ensure insulin secretion at certain times. Thus, your metabolism rate increases.
What foods should be included in the healthy slimming diet list?
When it comes to diet foods, the first thing that comes to mind is lean, salt-free and flavorless dishes. Yet fats contain essential acids for the body. Fats, which are effective in the regular functioning of hormones and nervous system, are also very important for fat-soluble vitamins.
Fats, which play an important role in maintaining the body’s heat balance, also delay the feeling of hunger by providing stomach emptying. Therefore, it is necessary to use low-fat meals, not lean, while preparing the diet list for slimming. Consumption of oils such as olive oil, sunflower oil and avocado oil as oil types provides better protection of cell membranes.
Carbohydrates such as high-fiber cereals, whole wheat pasta, quinoa, bulgur, whole wheat rice should be included in the diet. Foods such as milk, yogurt, and kefir, which play an important role in balancing blood sugar, are also essential for a healthy diet. Fruits and vegetables with high vitamin and mineral content should be included in the nutrition programs due to the antioxidant components they contain.
Meat, chicken, eggs, fish and dried legumes, which have high protein content, both help protect muscles and provide a long-term feeling of satiety because it is digested late. With the slimming list, which ensures that all these nutrient groups are taken in adequate and balanced, your fat burning will be faster and losing weight will be more permanent.
Ordinary diet lists are suitable for healthy individuals who do not have any chronic diseases (diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, thyroid, reflux-gastiritis, etc.).