Are you dieting for the first time?
Or are you one of those who are tired of dieting all the time and call this dietician experience? Or do you say my biggest problem is not gaining weight?
Dieting does not only mean taking and applying a list of your food. In addition to healthy eating, when you sleep regularly and exercise regularly, it reaches its goal …
Prepare yourself for this
- Setting your goals realistic will help you determine your path correctly and if your goals are not reached, not reaching those goals will cause your motivation to drop.
- Apart from preparing your diet, your dietitian is the person who will support you in this process and explain this course. Stay in touch with him and try to keep up with your follow-ups regularly.
- Perhaps your reason for not losing / gaining weight may also indicate a hormonal problem. In this respect, your dietician will first ask you for a blood test and will prepare your diet program suitable for your lifestyle as a result of body analysis and anthropometric measurements, and if necessary, refer to internal medicine or endocrine according to blood analysis results.
- Remember that you need time to lose weight, just as weight is not taken immediately. In this way, your dietician and patience are your most important supporter. And remember that everyone’s metabolism works differently, do not compare yourself to others …
- Are you one of those who say it works if I drink water? Most people do not even realize that they are actually eating, so start keeping a diet book three or four days before coming to your dietician and record what you eat and drink in this book, this notebook will help you experience awareness and provide auto control during the diet process.
- Are you among those waiting for Monday to start dieting?
- Let’s start the day today…