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Working While Pregnant: Dos and Don'ts

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Working while pregnant isn't always easy. Learn how to deal with problems and stay healthy while doing your job in this article.

Many women continue to work during pregnancy. However, pregnancy can cause some difficulties in your workplace. To stay healthy and be productive at work, learn how you can reduce common pregnancy woes and when work tasks can put your pregnancy at risk.

Reducing Nausea and Vomiting

Although it is considered morning sickness, you can experience nausea during pregnancy at any time.

To relieve the feeling of nausea at work:

Avoid things that trigger nausea. The smell of tea, coffee that you craved every morning before pregnancy, or the smell of heated foods such as pastries and bagels in the rest room can now turn your stomach upside down. Stay away from anything that triggers your nausea.

Snack often. Sugar-free biscuits and other light snacks can be lifesavers when you're nauseous. Keep easy snacks in your workplace. Ginger drink or ginger tea can also work.

Drink plenty of fluids. If you don't drink enough fluids, your nausea may get worse. Keep a bottle of water on your desk or in your workplace and drink it throughout the day.

Coping with Fatigue

You may feel tired because your body is working harder to support your pregnancy, but it can be difficult to rest during the workday. In these cases, the following tips may come in handy:

Consume protein and iron-rich foods. Fatigue can be a symptom of iron deficiency anemia, but adjusting your diet accordingly can help. Choose foods that consist of red meat, poultry, seafood, green leafy vegetables, iron-fortified whole-grain breakfast cereals and legumes.

Take short and frequent breaks. Getting up from where you are and walking around for a few minutes will rejuvenate you. Resting for a few minutes with the lights off, with your eyes closed and your legs up, will also help you regain your strength.

Limit your physical activities. Reducing work can help you get more rest at the end of the day. Consider doing your shopping online and hiring helpers to clean your house or take care of your garden.

Routine the exercises. Even if exercising is the last thing on your mind after a long day, physical activity will help you regain your energy, especially if you sit at a desk all day. As long as your doctor deems it appropriate, you can take a walk after work or join the sports centers for pregnant women.

Go to bed early. Try to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Lying sideways improves blood flow to the baby and prevents bloating. For more comfort, place a pillow between your legs and under your hips.

Being Comfortable

As your pregnancy progresses, your daily activities such as sitting and standing may become more difficult. Do not forget to take short and frequent breaks to cope with fatigue. Walking around every few hours relieves muscle tension and helps prevent the accumulation of edema in your legs and feet. You can also try the other methods below:

Sitting. Adjustable arm rests, a stable chair, back cushion, and lower back support can make sitting comfortable for long hours, especially as your weight and posture change. If your chair isn't adjustable, arrange something temporary. Use a small pillow or cushion to give your back more support.

Don't stay standing. Standing for long hours can cause blood to pool in the legs, which can cause pain or dizziness. This also puts pressure on your back. If you have to stand for a long time, rest one leg on a footrest (a small chair or a box). Change your legs often and take plenty of breaks. Wear comfortable shoes with good sole support. You can also consider wearing supportive stockings.

Bending and lifting. Even if you're lifting something light, a proper form of lifting can disable your back. Bend your knees, not your waist. Keep the load close to your body using your leg muscles without putting pressure on your back. Avoid twisting your body while lifting.

Keeping Work Stress in Control While Pregnant

The stress experienced at work while working while pregnant can lower your energy, which you need to take care of for yourself and your baby. To minimize workplace stress:

Keep control. Make a daily to-do list and prioritize your tasks. Consider what you can delegate or eliminate.

Talk to. Share your anger with a supportive colleague, friend or loved one.

relax. Practice relaxation techniques such as slow breathing or imagining yourself in another place. Or attend pregnancy yoga classes as your doctor deems it appropriate.

Working While Pregnant: Taking Work-Related Precautions

Certain work environments increase the risk of complications during pregnancy, especially if you are at risk of premature birth. E.g:

Exposure to harmful substances

Peak working hours

prolonged standing

Do not pull up heavy thing

excessive noise

For example, intense vibration from large machines

high stress

cold working environment

In addition, activities that require agility and good balance can become difficult later in pregnancy.

If you are worried about any of these conditions, consult your doctor. Together you can decide whether you need to take special precautions or change your work duties.

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