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Showing posts with label Sports. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sports. Show all posts
Cardio Guide: What is Cardio? How is Cardio done?

Cardio Guide: What is Cardio? How is Cardio done?

Tuesday, September 7, 2021
You will find answers to all the questions you have about Cardio. You will learn all the truths and mistakes about Cardio. The Cardio Guide ...
Exercise and Depression Guide: We Treat Depression

Exercise and Depression Guide: We Treat Depression

Depression is one of today’s popular diseases. Do you know that you can treat depression with sports? Come and check the research. I’ve deci...
Afterburn Effect: Daytime Continuous Fat Burning

Afterburn Effect: Daytime Continuous Fat Burning

Afterburner fat burning after exercise means afterburn. In this article, we examined the afterburn effect and explained how to use it. Your ...
Is Liver Enzymes (ALT, AST, CK) Height Normal in Athletes

Is Liver Enzymes (ALT, AST, CK) Height Normal in Athletes

In many different mediums, including in the emergency department, people ask me about the severity of elevated liver enzymes (ALT, AST) and ...
I Want to Lose Weight

I Want to Lose Weight

There are many things you need to pay attention to to lose weight. Let’s examine the important issues for those who want to lose weight. Los...
Benefits of walking and walking program

Benefits of walking and walking program

The benefits of the walk will surprise you when you learn. I also prepared a walk program that you can easily implement for you. Prepare you...
Yoga with all aspects for healthy living

Yoga with all aspects for healthy living

I started practicing yoga about a year ago and I see that yoga is a great way to train an individual’s soul and body. In addition, my recent...
Jogging on the Treadmill or Jogging Outside?

Jogging on the Treadmill or Jogging Outside?

The treadmill has become more important lately. Because with urbanization, the running tracks have decreased and people have more time. And ...
How many days a week to do sports?

How many days a week to do sports?

In this article, I will discuss many issues from how many days you have to do sports to the physiology of rest and the scientific basis of t...
How To Jump Rope Exercise?

How To Jump Rope Exercise?

Jump rope Runs almost all of the muscles in the body. Body Areas: Full Body Calories Burned in 1 Minute: 6 to 8 Calories (Normal BMI) Availa...
3 Ways to Burn More Fat and Calories

3 Ways to Burn More Fat and Calories

We have studied 3 training and nutrition techniques that are important for you to burn fat faster. It’s time to realize your dream of having...
How Many Steps Should I Take a Day?

How Many Steps Should I Take a Day?

How many steps a day should be taken? Everyone’s answer to the question is 10000 steps. Is this number correct? Let’s take a closer look at ...
Benefits of Pilates: What You Need to Know About Pilates

Benefits of Pilates: What You Need to Know About Pilates

Society likes to give special meaning to “things en that are considered useful. Of course, pilates also got its share. Seeing people who use...
What is HIIT (High-intensity interval training)? Stay fit with HIIT.

What is HIIT (High-intensity interval training)? Stay fit with HIIT.

Hiit has a lot to say for cardio. With this training system that accelerates fat burning and increases muscle mass, you are now closer to su...

Ten Foods to Help You Relieve Your Arthritis Pain

Food is medicine. If you are struggling with pain caused by arthritis; Eating foods with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving p...